Sunday, August 10, 2008

SWICH ad campaign

There's been a lot of pressure lately to open up protected areas for oil drilling.

Of course, that pressure is fueled by stampeding lobbyists and oil companies who benefit the most from America's addiction to oil. What's their solution to our oil addiction? More oil!

Common sense says drilling in protected areas is not the answer. Switching is.

Switching to 100% clean, renewable electricity within 10 years.

Click here for a sneak peak at our latest television ad that will start airing Monday during the Olympics. It shows Americans how we will make the switch to clean, renewable energy sources.

Switching now to clean energy sources will revitalize our economy -- we can be global leaders in developing and manufacturing clean energy technologies. It will enhance our national security -- reducing the pressure on our troops to protect oil supplies and avoiding the worst climate impacts in politically unstable regions of the world. It will make high gasoline prices less of a burden in our daily lives -- enabling us to transition to clean plug-in hybrid electric cars. It will help solve the climate crisis -- if we fail to act soon, the consequences for our children will be dire.

source - www.wecansolveit.org

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